An Innate quest for Originality​

Fermin Perez Jr., a devoted premium cigar enthusiast for over 30 years, decided to share his wealth of knowledge and experience by bringing FP Premium Cigars to life. With a straightforward approach, Fermin Perez has been a lifelong brand builder, contributing to the realms of beverages, liquors, and cigars. His affinity for cigars blossomed while working with premium Rums, Whiskies, and Wines.

The journey unfolds in Little Havana, the soul of Miami and a gathering place for cigar connoisseurs. Amidst games of dominoes, sips of Cuban Cafecito, and the pleasure of a fine smoke, Fermin Perez discovered his inspiration. Little Havana not only serves as the birthplace of carefully crafted cigars but remains a wellspring of inspiration for future endeavors.

Rooted in Cuban heritage, Fermin Perez finds joy in playing dominoes with friends in Little Havana, creating a vibrant tapestry that intertwines familial connections, shared experiences, and a love for the rich tradition of premium cigars.